                                                                                   1 st INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY OF LOVE AND TURKISH CULTURE CONGRESS STARTED
1st International Develi Aşık Seyrani and Turkish Culture Congress held in Develi Municipality Mustafa Aksu Culture Center started with a moment of silence and national anthem. The registration process of the academicians who came from the Congress both from abroad and from the city was made.

Congress organizing committee chairman Assoc. Dr. In his opening speech, Recep Özkan said, kültür There are important instruments that differentiate societies. We have organized this congress in order to introduce Aşık Seyrani, one of the important folk lovers of our country and to keep his messages alive canlı.
In his speech, the Mayor of Develi, Mehmet Cabbar said, “Today we are going to sign a cultural richness together. We are doing works throughout the year in order to understand and tell Aşık Seyrani. Let's crown it with the congress and leave a work for future generations. I believe that a beautiful work will emerge on behalf of Develi, Âşık Seyrani and Turkish Culture, which will be planted with the academicians who come to over 100 Develi from abroad and from outside the city.

Murat Duru, District Governor of Develi, said: bildiril After the presentations made by academicians who will be the legacy of the future generations who will examine Aşık Seyrani, who is an important figure in Develi History, the papers collected after the presentations will be turned into a book by Develi Municipality and entrusted to future generations ”.

Erciyes University Vice Rector. Dr. Dr. Mehmet Sıdkı İlkay “Develi, Aşık Seyrani and Turkish Culture to share scientific knowledge and bring together academicians working in this field to create a collaborative environment and contribute to the formation of new studies, I wish this conference to be successful,” he said.

Kayseri Deputy Governor M. H. Nail Anlar “In the name of commemorating Seyrani in love today we come together to discuss this type of literature in the world other than Turkish folk literature, I do not think that there is another rich community I thank everyone who contributed to the organization of this very valuable congree wish to be conducive to good,” he said

Academician Elmira Tölökova presented a Kyrgyz hat to the participants of the Congress and members of the protocol on behalf of the Kyrgyz people.
Professor from Hacettepe University Dr. Prof. Dr. Özkul Çobanoğlu about Minstrel Tradition and Minstrel Seyrani from Akdeniz University. Dr. Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Karadavut from Gazi University Dr. ismet Çetin and Prof. Dr. Ali Yakıcı made their presentations. After the presentation, the members of the protocol presented plaques and Turkish Flag to the academicians attending the congress. The congress program then continued with poems of People's Poet Hilmi Şahballı, one of the veterans of the minstrel tradition.

Gazi University Dr. Necati Demir made a presentation to the academics and participants who participated in the congress about his research on Oguz Turks in Turkish culture. Answering the questions after the presentation, Demir stated that Turkish history dates back to the old times and emphasized that the Turkish history should be updated and the studies on this subject are continuing.
Dev Ali Anatolian High School, the congress continued after noon. Dr. Feyza Göher Vural, Assoc. Dr. Kutret ALTUN, Professor Dr. Nedim BAKIRCI, Assoc. Dr. Prof. Elvan YALÇINKAYA, Professor Dr. Atabey Kılıç and Prof. Dr. In the sessions led by M. Kemal ATİK, “Seyrani Oral Presentations” academics made presentations of the papers prepared for the 1st International Develi, Âşık Seyrani and Turkish Culture Congress. Develi Mayor Mehmet Cabbar attended the sessions and listened to the presentations of academics. After the presentation, the presidents presented the participation certificate to the academicians who attended the congress. The 2nd Session of the 1st International Develi, Âşık Seyrani and Turkish Culture Congress will continue tomorrow at 09:00 at Mustafa Aksu Cultural Center.

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